
Our clinic offers patient specific adjusting techniques along with the latest evidence-based therapies to ensure that each patient receives the standard of care that they deserve. Whether your conditions acute or chronic, Dr. Honeycutt has the right treatment plan for you.

Dr. Cam graduated from Life University Chiropractic College with honors where he was a Sigma Cuma Lauda recipient. Dr. Cam excelled highly in the Life U outpatient clinic where he treated patients with complex conditions. Upon graduating he spent a year interning with one of Georgia’s most sought after chiropractors where he learned the latest in chiropractic and evidence-based therapies that he now incorporates into his patients care plan. Honeycutt Chiropractic offers over 10+ different modalities to be able to treat a variety of patients throughout the state of Alabama.

Dr. Cam graduated from Life University Chiropractic College with honors where he was a Sigma Cuma... Read More

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